Kategorie: Snippets
Copy image to sd card – loxberry
sudo dd if=/media/blabla/Daten/loxberry-ddz-backup-20220208-140111/loxberry-ddz-backup-20220208-140111.img of=/dev/sdd bs=1M status=progress If you want, shrink the image before!
Loxberry Backup only used partitions
add DEFAULT_DD_BACKUP_SAVE_USED_PARTITIONS_ONLY=1 in /usr/local/etc/raspiBackup.conf
InfluxDB uselful queries
Show all available databasesshow databases Use a database e.g mydbuse mydb Show available fields and their type of a a databaseshow field keys Show series where xyzshow series where „powermeter“ = ‚xyzzz‘ Calculate difference between the two latest values of two daysSELECT difference(last(total_kWh)) FROM power_total WHERE time >0 AND „powerMeter“ = ‚xyz‘ GROUP BY time(1d) Select the latest entries from a field within a timespan of 2 daysselect…
Java – Telnetsession
Example for a automated telnet-session. You need the org.apache.commons.net.telnet librabry!