Kategorie: Software

  • FHEM + Raspberry – useful sites

    Collection of useful sites: FHEM-Server auf dem Raspberry Pi in einer Stunde einrichten Raspberry – Watchdog installieren Raspberry – Firefox installieren sudo apt-get install iceweasel Raspberry – Taskbar missing or deleted Problems with your LS-7T touch?

  • BananaPI + Raspbian + fhem + 7″ Touch panel

    Last week i installed fhem and the 7″ Touch panel from www.pollin.de on my BananaPI running the Beta 1 Raspbian with Kernel. Here’s the setup: BananaPI + Case + Powersupply 8 GB SD Card (Class 10) Touchscreen (LS-7T from www.pollin.de) + Powersupply HDMI cabel First you have to put the Raspbian Image (downloaded from bananapi.com…

  • Case for 7″ touch display LS-7T + Use it with 5V DC

    Case for 7″ touch display LS-7T Get the display from www.pollin.de The Display can be used from 9V – 18V. If you want to use it with 5V like your Raspberry, have a look at this topic, where there’s a how-to for 5V https://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/330641

  • BananaPi 7″ Touchdisplay direct connect

    Some hints how to connect a 7″ Touch display (the LS-7T from www.pollin.de) to the lvds connector of the BananaPi Modify script.bin http://www.rdklein.eu/rdpiforum/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=2641 Connect Display: http://wiki.lemaker.org/index.php?title=BananaPro/Pi:LCD_Module&curid=124&diff=1971&oldid=1969 Did not work under Raspbian, because it did not contain a script.bin in the /boot folder Did not work under Debian. Replaces 50kb script.bin with the ~5mb script.bin…black display,…

  • Remote desktop on BananaPI

    Tested on Lubuntu 3.1 apt-get install vino lxde xrdp #After installation type the following and do your settings: vino-preferences Edit  /etc/xrdp/startwm.sh (i use nano) and change settings: #!/bin/sh if [ -r /etc/default/locale ]; then . /etc/default/locale export LANG LANGUAGE fi #. /etc/X11/Xsession <—– Type a „#“ and insert . /usr/bin/startlxde

  • BananaPI route audio over HDMI

    Default, audio comes over audio jack, but i wanted to route over hdmi, because i have an AV-Receiver with a high-quality audio engine which should do the transfer from digital to analog signal. Successfully tested it with Lubuntu 3.1.1 and Bananian. First, install pulseaudio apt-get install pulseaudio Configure your /etc/pulse/default.pa. Add the following line at…

  • Passwords for BananaPi OS‘

    Bananian. Username: root – Password: pi Lubuntu. Username: bananapi – Password: bananapi Lubuntu root. Username: root – Password: bananapi

  • Compile kernel on BananaPI

    Requires SD Card with >=4GB: apt-get install git build-essential libncurses5-dev u-boot-tools uboot-mkimage cd ~ git clone https://github.com/LeMaker/linux-bananapi.git –depth 1 cd linux-bananapi make sun7i_defconfig make menuconfig make -j2 uImage modules make modules_install mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /boot reboot

  • Install Mali400 GPU driver on BananaPi from sources

    How to install manually a newer gpu driver on the bananapi. OS is Lubuntu 3.1.1. run all „make install“ as sudo. Thanks to Ryad’s Blog

  • Nützliche Firefox Plugins

    Auf Wunsch hier mal eine Liste an nützlichen Firefox Plugins: Adblock Edge: Fork von Adblock Plus, nur ohne umstrittene Whiteliste AutoPager: Foren und Google laden nächste Seite automatishc und hängen sie unten dran DownThemAll!: Erleichtert ein paar Downloadmöglichkeiten DownThemAll! AntiContainer: Braucht DownThemAll! und hebt versteckte Downloads hervor Firebug: Für Entwickler FireFTP: FTP Client im Firefox…