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Compile xbmc on BananaPi Lubuntu 3.1.1

Compile xbmc (Frodo) on Lubuntu 3.1.1 on a BananaPi:nn nnBefore you install xbmc, make sure you have installed libUMP, otherwise you will get the following error:n

Makefile.config:96: *** Missing library dependencies:  Stop.

nHow to install libUMP, see lets go:n

apt-get build-dep xbmcnapt-get install swig default-jre libgtk2.0-bin libssh-4 libssh-devnsudo echo -e "\nA10HWR=1" >> /etc/environmentngit clone xbmca10ngit checkout stage/Frodonncd tools/a10/dependsnmakenmake -C xbmcncd ../../../nmake install

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